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Professional Resources

We currently have funds available to train early childhood professionals in administering the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) and ASQ- SE2 developmental screening.


LGCYCF supports children and families by ensuring the professionals who care for them are skilled, nurturing, and educated.

Local Resource Training 

LGCYCF is also offering a Local Resource Training for anyone who encounters families in their work, in order to ensure they can direct anyone in need to the appropriate provider. We are happy to offer this training to: librarians, medical professionals, administrative staff, schools, churches, childcares, local government, and more. We can also provide this training to parents.

Want to Learn More?  

If you are interested in familiarizing yourself with the research associated with the Pyramid Model you might want to read: Implementing Positive Behavior Intervention and Support: The Evidence-Base of the Pyramid Model for Supporting Social Emotional Competence in Infants and Young Children.


Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning

This site includes a variety of resources such as book lists, scripted stories, problem-solving solution took kits, and more that you can use in your classroom.

The National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations provides resources to support and engage families. 

Be Sure to Check out The Backpack Connection Series!

Here you can access one-page handouts to share with families. The printer-ready, color handouts offers parents and caregivers ideas about “how-to” stop challenging behaviors (e.g., whining, hitting, biting); avoid meltdowns; navigate morning and bedtime routines; and help children recognize and understand emotions (e.g., anger, fear, sadness, frustration). 

The Pyramid Model Consortium provides training and technical assistance to states, communities, and programs striving to implement the Pyramid Model with high-fidelity. New Hampshire is a partner state in the consortium. Leaders across the state are working with the consortium to provide Pyramid Model professional development and training opportunities to you.

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